Effective mental health support for fraud victims is too difficult for victims to find.
Psychology of Fraud Victimization is a non-profit based in Colorado, formed to improve emotional and psychological support for fraud victims – from their first contact after the fraud has happened, to support groups and resources, and to ongoing psychotherapy. We aim to amplify the need for this as well as foster a way for victims to quickly find the support they need. We offer:
- Best Practices developed through collaboration with fraud victims, advocates, and other non-profits that support fraud victims;
- Certification of mental health and other professionals who are trained in and meet the standards of support for victims of financial fraud and scams;
- (Coming soon) A searchable directory of certified professionals and organizations who follow these best practices, and maintain their knowledge level.
Please visit our Mission page to read more about our founding story.
Education and Awareness
This is desperately needed. The FTC’s report about scams and fraud for 2023 indicates that 2.6 million people reported being victims. Reported! So we know the real number is much higher. This comes out to about 7123 people a day.
Public education and awareness are natural companions to our core mission to improve access to mental health. The more people are aware of the devastating experience of this crime, the more we will all understand the need for appropriate emotional support along victims’ journey to healing. We collaborate with other non-profits and individuals to raise awareness about the needs of fraud victims, the psychological impact of fraud and scams, and the psychological tactics that criminals use to disarm and steal from people.
Want to Help?
We would love your help! Please visit our Donate page for a monetary contribution, or our Volunteer page to let us know you’d like to help in that way. We are currently taking applications for Board members and volunteers with a variety of skills and knowledge. Another way to help is to spread the word about us and our mission! Please share our website and our message with your colleagues, friends and family. Let’s make a difference, together.
Certification and Best Practices
Our certifications are based on best practices of support and care that have been validated by fraud victims, advocates, and others in roles that support fraud victims. Please visit our Certifications and our Best Practices pages to read more about this.